COVID-19 Testing Location
Heywood Hospital Damon Building
is Closed
The Damon COVID testing site's last date of operation was Saturday, April 9th. This includes all community and pre-procedure testing. Please review the following guidance regarding testing access and pre-procedure processes.
Symptomatic Patients - Symptomatic patients that need to be tested for Covid-19, should first contact their Primary Care Provider or alternatively check in at Heywood Urgent Care or Tully Walk-In during their normal business hours.
Asymptomatic Patients - Asymptomatic patients who need a Covid-19 test should contact their PCP to schedule an appointment for testing or locate a testing facility outside of the Heywood Healthcare organization (such as Walgreens or CVS). Testing will not be provided at Heywood Urgent Care or Tully Walk In Care for asymptomatic patients.
Routine, Pre-procedure COVID testing - Routine, pre-procedure COVID testing will no longer be required for:
- Radiology procedures
- Cardiology procedures
- Perioperative/Surgical procedures
Surgical Day Patients - Providers are still welcome to order a COVID test if you wish for your patients. It will need to be a rapid NAAT test, performed on the day of the procedure in SDC. Please indicate on the booking sheet if you'd like to order a COVID test, as these patients will need to come in earlier to avoid delays (the lab's guaranteed turnaround time is 1hr).
Heywood Pulmonary Function Tests - Patients will be tested at the time of their procedure via an Abbot IDNow device.
Athol Pulmonary Function Tests - Due to the lower volume of tests, patients will continue to be tested no more than 4 days pre-procedure at the Athol Lab. This process is the same as we currently have in place; the location will be the Athol lab (not the Damon testing center).