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Pulmonary Medicine Services

Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Over 30 million people in the U.S. suffer from chronic bronchitis, asthma, emphysema, and other fibrotic lung diseases.

These diseases can cause severe limitations in activity, frequent hospitalization, emotional stress, progressive deconditioning and disability.

The Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program attempts to break the cycle of hospitalizations and restore the patients to their highest level of function. Multidisciplinary medical management and comprehensive rehabilitation helps the patient remain independent in their homes and community. Patients learn to modify their breathing patterns, to learn adaptive techniques, and to use their pulmonary medications properly. In learning to manage their disease, patients overcome panic and fear of activity. Upon completing the program most patients return to more independent lives.

Individual Treatment Approach


  • Exercise conditioning
  • Upper extremity strength
  • Respiratory muscle strength
  • Home program plan

Patient Education

  • Breathing retraining
  • Bronchial hygiene
  • Pulmonary medications
  • Proper nutrition
  • Panic control and relaxation
  • Energy conservation
  • Exercise benefits
  • Pulmonary anatomy and physiology

Follow Up

  • Patient outcomes
  • Maintenance exercise group
  • Group meetings
  • Reevaluation as needed

After completion of the program, you may continue to exercise at Heywood Hospital three times a week during our maintenance phase.

The Pulmonary Rehab Team

Pulmonary Rehabilitation is a comprehensive treatment modality individualized to the patient's needs. The specialized rehabilitation team includes:

  • Pulmonary physicians
  • Respiratory therapists
  • Exercise physiologist
  • Nurses
  • Nutritionist
  • Social worker

Program Components

Participants meet three times a week, for six weeks. Exercise reconditioning follows a medically supervised exercise prescription that includes:

  • Blood pressure
  • Heart rate
  • Oxygen monitoring

You will begin with a vascular warm up, then proceed with the treadmill, stationary bike, arm ergometer, light arm weight and cool down.

Your physician will receive a progress report upon completion of the program.


A fee is required for our professional services, which may be covered by your insurance carrier. Contact your insurance plan or HMO for more information.


M.D. referral is required for entrance into the program.

Pulmonary Services also offers patients support programs including Asthma Education and Pulmonary Rehabilitation. We also offer a Better Breathers Club.

For more information about call the Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program at 978-630-6544.